2020年12月1日下午,9159金沙游戏部通过腾讯会议平台举办了在线学术讲座。本次讲座的特邀专家为英国考文垂大学教授、期刊Journal of English for Academic Purposes主编Hilary Nesi教授,讲座主题为:Bridging the “function-form gap”: the role of corpora in the rhetorical/functional analysis of academic text,9159金沙游戏部副主任王薇博士主持活动。
▲ Nesi教授讲解如何应用语料库分析学术英语文本中的意义建构和修辞功能
讲座中,Nesi教授还以期刊Journal of English for Academic Purposes的审稿要求和发表标准为例,介绍了高质量学术论文的三个特点:学术严谨性、学术原创性以及成果的重要性。她强调,研究方法和汇报形式的严谨性是高质量学术论文的基础与前提,而通常决定一篇论文发表成败的关键因素则是其在研究手段和理论等方面是否具有原创性,其研究结果对该研究领域能否具有重要价值及意义等。
▲ Nesi教授讲解BAWE语料库应用
Hilary Nesi
Hilary Nesi is Professor in English Language at Coventry University, UK. Her research activities mostly concern the discourse of English for academic purposes, and the design and use of corpora and reference tools. She is Editor in Chief of the Journal of English for Academic Purposes, and is currently lead educator for the FutureLearn MOOC ‘Understanding English Dictionaries’. She was principal investigator for the projects to create the BASE corpus of British Academic Spoken English and the BAWE corpus of British Academic Written English, and she also led the Writing for a Purpose project which produced corpus-informed academic writing materials for the British Council ‘Learn English’ website. She has published more than 100 articles and book chapters, including Genres across the Disciplines: Student writing in higher education (Cambridge University Press, 2012, co-authored with Sheena Gardner).